On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 05:51:13PM -0800, Paul Johnson wrote:
> And a bit friendlier to those who get dumped on their ass due to
> unforseen circumstances.  The whole idea of credit ratings tends to
> cause a lot of false positives for people who intend to pay but lose
> their job or get screwed by roommates, etc.

Well, I agree with that but lets not get the issues confused: I was 
how poorly the Credit bureaus manage the data that, rightly or wrongly, 
they possess.

I have credit trouble too but I'm enough of a hardass on myself to know 
that nobody pointed a gun at my head and made me make the choices I 
made.  However, I do get quite upset at how carelessly and irresponsibly 
private organizations make life-affecting decisions about me *and* 
manage that responsibility so poorly and with such little security.

My phrase for the situation is: "faithless stewardship".  He who has 
power has responsibilty to manage that power well.

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