On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 10:22:42PM -0600, matt zagrabelny wrote:
> On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 14:46, Pigeon wrote:
> > In response to a request for information about yacht radar reflectors, I
> > visited <http://www.echomax.co.uk> who manufacture such things and
> > apparently provide polar diagrams. Unfortunately the entire useful content
> > of their site is provided in .swf form.
> > 
> > Does anyone know if there exists some kind of dummy flash plugin, ideally
> > for Mozilla but I'm not too fussy about that, which could extract from a
> > .swf any URLs it might contain and present them to me as clickable links?
> have you considered installing the "real" flash plugin for mozilla?
> apt-get flashplayer-mozilla

Doesn't exist in Debian, so I wasn't aware of it... only Mozilla's offer to
download the plugin by itself, which method presumably bypasses Debian's
package management system and presents the possibility of not being able to
uninstall it easily and/or cleanly.

However, using the above package name as a search term, Google was able to
lead me to the answer:


...and since this is a .deb, it's straightforward to install it purely for
the purpose of visiting that particular site and uninstall it afterwards. I
got the polar diagrams. Thanks for your pointer!

I also found source code at


so if I get bored enough :-) I might hack up my own dummy plugin...


Be kind to pigeons
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