Hey all,

Last night one of my Debian-running laptops was made inoperable by the removal of /sbin and /bin. I'm not quite sure why or how this happened, but I'll tell you what I did from start to finish. The laptop itself is an old Toshiba Satellite powered by a Celeron 500 with 64 megabytes of RAM. The kernel is 2.6.0, pre-emptible, compiled and installed via kernel-package. It was running unstable, with the apt repository being linux.stanford.edu. The computer was running X windows w/ fluxbox as the window manager, logged in as an unpriveleged user. The other services were an ssh server (default settings), xfs, xfstt, and automount. Only one kernel module was running, that one being ndiswrapper (ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net) to enable the WPC54G wireless card to function under Linux with Windows drivers. The hard drive is partitioned into one ext2 partition encompassing the whole system.

I began by opening up an xterm window, su'ing to root, and running 'apt-get update' followed by 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. It asked me if I wanted to upgrade 30 odd packages as well as install 1 new one, and having done this many times I glossed over the list, which included a libc update, and hit 'Y'. It downloaded the 30 packages, after which it said something on the lines of: "Can't find ldconfig in your path" and "Can't find start-stop-daemon in your path" and "Check and make sure /sbin is in your path". I had never gotten this response before, so I checked my path, and it was fine. But I couldn't find ldconfig or start-stop-daemon with locate, and then I saw that the /sbin directory was gone. No trace of it was left.

Knowing that the computer was a very short time away from death (lack of init and other essential processes), I ssh'ed into another Debian computer I have (also running unstable), and quickly scp'ed over its /sbin directory, hoping to repair some of the damage. Once I had that, I thought I was OK, so I ran apt-get dist-upgrade again to make sure. It began upgrading packages. When it reached the libc upgrade, I saw the customary "Setting up libc6" message followed by the date/time and "Run tzconfig if you want to change the time zone". After that, the xterm hung. It wouldn't respond to anything. Furthermore, I tried opening a new xterm, or any other process. Nothing opened up.

I hit ctrl-alt-backspace and hopped out of X, and tried to login through the command line. I received a string of error messages involving "Cannot open /sbin/getty" and "Getty sent messages too fast" or something like that. I tried to ssh into the machine through a different machine, without luck. No user/password combination would work. Control-alt-delete didn't work to reboot ("Could not find /sbin/shutdown"), so I hard-rebooted. After that, it didn't boot ("Kernel panic, could not load init").

The first thing I did was boot up the laptop with a Woody 3.0 CD, and open up a shell. I ran e2fsck -c hoping to find some badblocks on the hard drive, but I found none. Some minor filesystem corruption was fixed, but errors that you would expect to find on a machine that was not cleanly unmounted. I then tried to run init, just for the hell of it, and it gave me an error about an incompatbile GLIBC (which was true, given that it expected the one from unstable, and got the one used on this Woody CD). But this prompted me to check / again, and I noticed that /lib was also gone. I then checked various logs in /var/log, including auth.log, syslog, messages, kern.log, and a few others, but could find nothing describing what had happened. I saw in auth.log the various failures of PAM to try and authenticate me when I logged in remotely, but nothing that hinted at any break-in or failure that caused this cascade.

At this point I'm a bit stumped. I'm ready to cut my losses and either find replacement /sbin and /lib directories, or outright re-partition and re-install Debian, but I'm entirely perplexed as to how this catastrophic failure happened. Did some hardware malfunction? Was one of the packages corrupt or broken, and apt-get somehow deleted the directories? Did somebody regardless manage to break in and remove them? If anybody has any ideas, I'm all ears. And if anyone has any pointers as to where to look on the laptop for possibly more information, I'm also open to that.


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