On Sun, Jan 25, 2004 at 03:24:02PM +0000, Alan Chandler wrote:

> I took a quick look at their site.  You seem to have a choice, you can specify 
> their nameservers for your top level domain, or you can specify your.  (You 
> have to specify two which are then entered into the high level nameservers).  
> The (much more likely) alternative is that you do what I do through 
> www.freeparking.co.uk
> My domain is chandlerfamily.org.uk - the two nameservers for that are within 
> freeparkings domain and they run the nameserver on my behalf.  They provide a 
> web interface whereby I can make changes to the name server entries for my 
> domain.
> They provide some IP addresses internally for mail.chandlerfamily.org.uk and 
> mail2.chandlerfamily.org.uk and provide MX records for the 
> chandlerfamily.org.uk domain which point at these.  These mailservers see 
> mail for [EMAIL PROTECTED] and forward it on to other mail 
> addresses.  The provide a web interface to specify what mail addresses to use 
> (up to 4 plus a catchall address).  These I point to my ISP 
> (blueyonder.co.uk) where they provide me with 5 mail addresses.
> I can collect mail from them using fetchmail and pump it into a local mail 
> server.  BUT through their web interface I also define the name 
> home.chandlerfamily.org.uk to be the ip address that my ISP has allocated me 
> for my access.  My firewall then forwards port 25 (SMTP) to my internal mail 
> server.

I think the system is very similar. I was looking at "man bind" quickly
and didn't see much of MX and other kind of records mentioned
somewhere else: A/CNAME/MX records (zone file handling) 
I imagine that info on that can be found in "DNS HowTo" or similar. If
you can pouint me in the right direction I will appreciate it.

> So at freeparking I have also used their web interface to add an MX record of 
> the highest priority (ie it is used for the first try) which points at 
> home.chandlerfamily.org.uk.  So by default, and whilst I am actually online 
> mail comes to me directly. When I am offline it gets forwarded via my ISP and 
> collected next time I start up using fetchmail.
> BUT  inside my network, I don't use the chandlerfamily.org.uk names for the 
> internal machines.  These are instead called pooh.home, piglet.home, 
> kanger.home etc.  I run an internal nameserver that services requests for the 
> ip address for the *.home domain (and the reverse - from ip address find the 
> name) and then forwards requests for all other names to my ISPs name servers

My plan is to use the "catch all" option for additional email, send it
all to my ISP server -may be later I will send it to my machine
directly- and then use some procmail recipes to process it further.

Thanks Alan,
Antonio Rodríguez.

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