I tried typing linux root=/dev/hdb1 at the lilo prompt and it says something about 
that not being one of the choices. The lilo menu I see is:
WinNT (hda1)
WinNT or DOS (hdb6) <- This is not a valid bootable disk, I don't know why it is there.

Then I tried booting from my original install disk1 and it just takes me right into 
the Debian install menu.  Is there something I can do from there?

I'm wondering if maybe /dev/hdb1 is no longer a valid boot point, maybe something 
messed up.

Thanks again.

James E. Merritt

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Kent West 
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 17:18:14 -0600 
Subject: Re: Cannot Open Root Device - Was: Unidentified subject! 

> >I am having a little problem with my Debian Woody. The other day when I tried to 
> >boot into Woody, 
> >it started the normal text bootup screen before it goes into to KDE graphical login 
> >screen. 
> >But, during the text portion of the boot up process, it stopped and gave this 
> >message: 
> > 
> >VFS: Cannot open root device "346" or 03:47. 
> >Please append a correct "root=" boot option. 
> >Kernel Panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:46. 
> >As far as I know my disk configuration has not changed and I have not added any new 
> >hard drives. I remember doing something with the kernel a while back, but it has 
> >worked since then, unless I was very lucky and now my luck has run out...smile. 
> > 
> >My system is dual boot, Windows XP on one drive as partition hda1 and then linux as 
> >one partition on a second hard drive as hdb1, with three dos partitions on that 
> >same drive (hdb5, hdb6, hdb7). Do I type this at the lilo boot screen: linux 
> >root=/dev/hdb1? And if I can't get that to boot into Debain, how do I check the 
> >boot loader configuration? 
> > 
> >I will try booting from my original install disk and check the hard drive, which I 
> >hope is not going bad. 
> >And I will check the /etc/lilo.conf, now that I get thinking more about this I, as 
> >I stated earlier I changed the kernel and I thought the I read somewhere to change 
> >the /etc/lilo.conf, maybe that was not the thing to do. I just checked my notes and 
> >found this from when I changed the kernel: 
> > 
> >Add initrd=/initrd to /etc/lilo.conf. If I have already done so, then put 
> >do_initrd=YES in 
> >/etc/kernel-img.conf. 
> > 
> >Which I recall doing. Maybe we are on to something here? 
> > 
> > 
> Your /etc/lilo.conf should have some lines something like these: 
> boot=/dev/hda 
> Root=/dev/hdb1 
> image=/vmlinuz 
> label=Linux 
> read-only 
> initrd=/initrd.img 
> ls -l / 
> should show something like this: 
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 28 Nov 6 13:38 initrd.img -> 
> boot/initrd.img-2.4.20-1-686 
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Nov 6 13:38 vmlinuz -> 
> boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-1-686 
> and of course those boot/ in the previous two lines should exist: 
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 660989 Mar 25 2003 vmlinuz-2.4.20-1-686 
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2916352 Mar 27 2003 
> initrd.img-2.4.20-1-686 
> Once you boot into your installer, you should be able to mount your 
> /dev/hdb1 root partition, and then shell out to a prompt with Alt-F2. 
> You should find your root mounted under /target. 
> You might want to "chroot target" to make your hdb1 root file system the 
> "active" system, and then run "lilo" to make sure the lilo.conf settings 
> are applied to your boot system. 
> Alternatively, you might can just do as someone else suggested, and as 
> you mention above: at the boot: prompt, enter 
> linux root=/dev/hdb1 
> btw, the "initrd=/initrd.img" line in /etc/lilo.conf must be there for 
> initrd-style kernels to boot, but the "do_initrd=YES" line just 
> suppresses the reminder to make sure the "initrd" line exists in 
> lilo.conf on future upgrades of the kernel. 
> -- 
> Kent 
> -- 
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