On Sat, 24 Jan 2004 03:56:13 +0100, knoppix wrote:

> Hi
> is apt-get update kernel-2.6 enough to upgrade the kernel ?

Kernels work differently than other debian packages.  Each kernel revision
is a *different* package.  So, do:

apt-get update
apt-cache search kernel-image
apt-get install kernel-image-whatever

That will install a new kernel.  I don't know your setup, but if you are
using the standard setup, then IIRC the post install script will ask you
questions and link your new kernel to /vmlinuz and your old (current) one
to /vmlinuz-old (I *think* - I build and install my kernels by hand, so
it's a while since I've seen the script run).

If you are using lilo ***don't forget to run it***

Also, old kernels are never removed.  To see what kernels you have hanging
around, ls /boot

To remove an old kernel (it won't silently remove your current kernel):

dpkg --purge --force-remove-essential kernel-image-whatever

You can derive the kernel image name from the kernel executable in /boot
like this:

vmlinuz-2.4.23-1-k7 is kernel-image-2.4.23-1-k7


It is important to realize that any lock can be picked with a big
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