On Wed, Jan 21, 2004 at 12:34:23AM -0700, Lucas Albers wrote:
> Dennis Kaplan said:
> >
> > Check out 1and1.com I don't know if they are runing debian but they are
> > hosting my http://guyscope.com there and I am very happy.
> I got an account on the system and they were running (i believe) based on
> the version of the tools debian 3 and with 2.4.xx-grsecurity and possibly
> the vserver patch.

I hear nothing but good things about www.dreamhost.com -- the
dedicated hosting package is pretty reasonable and includes backups on
a second drive in the unit. I don't think they advetise it, but you
can ask for an unmanaged server at the same price if you want the
second drive to yourself at the expense of backups.

I was very happy with serverbeach.com. They're dirt cheap but offer no
backups, no support beyond rebooting and reinstalling the base
OS. That's probably fine for half the folks here. Someone else said
they were now in spamhaus however, which surprises me because I'd
heard they were very quick to unplug spammers' network cables until
they could get things set right.

I only left because the project that needed the kind of bandwidth they
were offering had come to a close. Never a complaint, and if spammers
are doing them in, it's a big loss.

If you want to go with the really low end, www.jvds.com does small
configurations with user mode linux for under $20 a month. You get
root with uml, and you can choose Debian on any of them. They even
have a $15 3 gig machine with 64m RAM and 20g/mo of bandwidth and
discounts for folks hosting free software projects.

jvds does have connectivity problems now and again where they're
unreachable for a minute or two a couple times a week, however. That's
fine for most websites, but it would be a headache for your main shell
account. In a couple months they're supposed to get secondary
bandwidth providers at the site that's had the most problems.

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