Dennis Kaplan wrote:

On Saturday 17 January 2004 12:18 pm, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:

Dennis Kaplan wrote:

How do I get my gpm mouse driver to start after a reboot.
Right now I am running gpmconfig after every reboot.

If you did a Debian install of gpm, it will have a gpm entry in
/etc/init.d and appropriate links in /etc/rcx.d so that gpm starts on
boot using /etc/gpm.config for parms.

If not, you have to put them there and gpm will start on boot.


You are right there is a gpm file in /etc/init.d but there was no link in /
etc/rcx.d so I created one in /etc/rc2.d 3, 4 & 5
with ln -s ../init.d/gpm S25gpm and it is working now but I am not sure if S25 was correct.
Thanx for the help!!!

Mine's at S20, but if S25 works, that oughtta be fine.

However, I'm curious as to why the link wasn't there to begin with. I think what I'd do is delete those links you just made, then:
apt-get --purge remove gpm
apt-get install gpm
just to make sure everything's where it oughtta be.

But that's just me.


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