Amusingly, "listserv" was the name of one of the original email
implementations on IBM Mainframes on BITNET.  Names were limited to
eight characters, hence that particular abbreviation.  (JUGGLE-L was
one of my first subscriptions back then.)

Many modern conversation systems use both email and web interfaces.
For example, Google Groups is usable by both (and I use an email
client almost exclusively to send/receive messages).  One relatively
well known public list is spatialite-users.

Another combo system would be Fossil which runs the web/email
discussion for sqlite.

Sometimes the combo systems can be a bit more difficult to figure out
how to use with plain email.  I wonder if the "mailing list" solution
really does have an email option.  But, since as you already noted,
"unusable", it is just darned difficult to find.  (Or worse, the
solution does offer email, but they explicitly disabled it.)


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