Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> writes:

> Easiest way for me: Just print into a file. The result is a pdf-file.

How do you do that from Emacs?

> However, do not know, if your printer driver can do this, but I suppose, most 
> printer drivers are able to it.
> Best
> Hans
> Am Donnerstag, 13. Februar 2025, 11:32:09 CET schrieb Loris Bennett:
>> Hi,
>> I am using Emacs' Gnus to display a buffer containing an email.
>> I want to convert this email to a PDF file.
>> If I save the mail to a file I get:
>>   $ file einladung.txt
>>   einladung.txt: news or mail, Unicode text, UTF-8 text
>> I have tried the following approaches to converting to PDF:
>> 1. a2ps + ps2pdf
>> This fails because a2ps seemingly can't handle UTF-8.
>> 2. pandoc
>>   pandoc --wrap=none -o einladung.pdf einladung.txt
>> This works and preserves the non-ASCII characters, but the headers of
>> the email are compressed into a single paragraph, rather than being
>> preserved as individual lines.
>> Does anyone have a better suggestion?
>> Cheers,
>> Loris
>> PS I am aware that I can probably print the buffer directly from Emacs,
>> but that also seems fiddly to set up and I'll maybe ask about that in an
>> Emacs context.
Dr. Loris Bennett (Herr/Mr)
FUB-IT, Freie Universität Berlin

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