didier gaumet (12025-01-30):
> (Warning: I've never really tried to modify the LightDM setup and I
> presently use gdm3)
> Perhaps you will find answers on the GIT page of LightDM (section
> "Configuration"):
> https://github.com/canonical/lightdm?tab=readme-ov-file#configuration
> and on this page which details all LightDM possible options:
> https://github.com/canonical/lightdm/blob/main/data/lightdm.conf

Thanks, but I have already read the example configuration file, it
contains the exact same information.

> user-session is not set in Debian LightDM setup: if you want the default
> session to be the last, perhaps you can try assigning "last" value to it (I
> don't know, I have tried it)

No effect.

That would have been rather surprising, in fact: why should the behavior
be different if users list is shown or not.


  Nicolas George

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