On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:34:08PM -0600, Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
> Quoting alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > It would seem ridiculous to sell a computer that has a modem that can't 
> > be used with the operating system that came preinstalled.
> The winmodem may be built into the motherboard.  The seller is taking
> an OEM's whitebox, installing an OS on it and (optionally) slapping
> their own name one it.

...me, I'd disable the onboard winmodem in the BIOS and buy an external
serial modem. They seem to be dead cheap nowadays, and you're more or less
guaranteed a total lack of problems. Also you get pretty flashing lights in
case you do get problems, and a better chance of it acting as a fuse to save
your motherboard from lightning strikes to the phone line.


Be kind to pigeons
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