On Tue, 28 Jan 2025 18:46:01 +0100
Erwan David <er...@rail.eu.org> wrote:

Hello Erwan,

>Another possibility is that hplip can work with python 3.13 but it was 

AIUI, that's what people want;  Hplip depending on 3.12 is causing the
issues.  From the bug report at
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1075069 it seems it's
possible to build hplip such that it no longer depends on python 3.12 and
thus cause issues with packages that require python 3.13.  This
resulting in large numbers of packages having to be held back, just to
avoid losing hplip & hplip-gui.

My attempts to try and compile and install hplip from source show this
to be a non-trivial task, or at least, not for the faint-hearted (i.e.
me).  That said, I'm not what one would call an expert in software

Jonathan asked about Trixie shipping without 3.12;  I thought that was
the general idea.  Unless I'm wrong, Trixie will be python 3.13 as a
minimum.  Note that I'm not a DD, never mind one associated with python, 
so don't quote me.

Anyhow, even if updating hplip solves bug 1075069, there is a second RC
bug.  IDK whether updating to 3.24.* would solve that one also.  If it
doesn't, hplip users (of which I'm one) are still on shaky ground.

There's still time, of course;  The freeze doesn't even start until
March, and there's even more time until Hard Freeze in May.  Plus, of
course, Full Freeze is currently TBA.

 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
She's taken all my vitamins, used up my lighter fuel
Golden Green - Wonder Stuff

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