On Sun, 2025-01-26 at 04:12 +0800, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 26/1/25 00:33, Greg <curtys...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 2025-01-25, Bret Busby <b...@busby.net> wrote:
> > > > 
> > > Someone has already claimed ownership of the first of the two;
> > > about
> > > bucketing the CIA.
> > 
> > OT.
> > 
> relevant to thread, curtsy sue

Happy Sunday. Just poking my head in to verify that this is *not* a
personal potshot at me. I haven't been involved in this thread as I
don't have time for banter just this second.

If the appearance is that the headers show that prior email came from my
keyboard, it's an indication that there is some malicious spoofing
afoot. Go figure considering the criminal activity that continues to
occur right outside my front door here.

Also for the record without immediate proof of product is that I have
witnessed real US government openly posting on the various open source
lists I adore. My recall is they leaned more toward the national
security level than not. Lingering recall is also that they were a
friendly and possibly even informative participant.

Personally, I find that type of interaction encouraging.. heartwarming..
and validation for the open source lists on which that occurred/occurs.
Wish I could remember what branch of US government it was...

Off to see if my life-sustaining water has thawed out yet.. Best wishes
from North Georgia.

Cindy (Sue) :)

Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA
* runs with birdseed! *

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