Hi Thomas, On Friday, 24 January 2025 08:35:44 GMT-4 Thomas Anderson wrote: > Hello, > > I am using Debian 11, and no matter what I do, I repeated on each > reboot, I will boot into a system with no gateway set (or rather, the > "default route is," which naturally gives this device no > internet connectivity.
Are you talking about connecting to an internal network or are you talking about connecting to your ISP's network? If connecting to an internal network, do you have control over this network? > > I am using the NetworkManager, and have a static IP set. So you configured a static ip (4?) and did you also configure the netmask and gateway statically? Or are you expecting your host network (local or your ISP?) to send the appropiate gateway to your client? > > If I turn off the network, and restart it, then it will set the > Gateway properly. > > All other settings persist through reboot, except for the gateway. > > I have not found an error messages, and as mentioned, if it restart > the networking, it works. Just on reboot, it does not set the gateway > properly. If you are talking about connecting your client to your ISP, did it ever work as you expected? Did it stop working? After which changes did you make on your side? Your ISP or your local network might grant you a fixed IP address but they still might supply the address and the gateway via DHCP. In that case their DHCP database contains an association between the MAC address of your client hardware and the fixed IP which they send to you together with netmask and gateway. Did your MAC address change by any chance? E.g. change of hardware? > > thanks in advance. > > TA Have a nice day -- Eike Lantzsch KY4PZ / ZP5CGE