Geert Stappers (12025-01-22): > Wiki: Present HTML to reader, as for 99% of visitors. > > I left out that "Wiki" also means "allow edit through webbrowser". > > "SSG" was suggested in response to the '> > > Any suggestions?' > > The '> > So webbrowser in one window' for "Preview", > 'your favorite text editor in another window' for avoiding the annoyance > of missing editor features in "edit throught webbrowser".
So you assumed that when I asked for a wiki, I had not really thought about it in depth and I did not really want a wiki. I cannot really blame you, so many people posting here come asking for X when it is really Z they need. But in the future, I suggest you keep this kind of assumption for cases where you have strong clues that it is the case or for when some time has passed and no satisfactory answer was given. Regards, -- Nicolas George