On Tue, Jan 21, 2025 at 12:20:44PM +0100, CJE wrote:
> Hi,
> This mail is addressing some system level debian comments from recent
> changes you've made in iso structure and in installation...

Hello Johan,

> and Ive been running unix for almost 40 years... and Linux since it came...

OK - so you're an experienced user of Linux.

> My first point: I see that now you have changed your iso structure and
> thats a good thing, a long time coming... so good for you...
> but then there is your installation software... That's a whole different
> story.. My absolute best tip is to delete all that shit you are asking and
> replace with LMDE6 installation, hey... its free... so use it... and
> learn... The first thing is to install the Debian OS and to have it
> running, even if it needs more customization later... Primary: "Get it
> fucking running by all means". and then when you can customize it
> further... So what do you need to get it running: A user location etc.,
> hardware config etc. and installer preferences... Nothing else is needed
> see LMDE installation...

They possibly do things differently over at Linux Mint. There are various
ways to invoke the standard Debian installer and there is also the option
to install from a Debian live media image. I can understand frustration
but please tone down your expression, maybe?

> My most recent experience trying to install sid was: YOur fucking script
> did not work AT ALL... so I had to install LMDE6 FIRST to get a running and
> boootable system... then youre intsallation scripts FINALLY understood what
> was going on... and lett med also add netinst debian stabel... WHat a
> complete catastrophe... I mean i have mad about several hundred debian
> installations
> so i wonder what the hell youre testing crew is doing... shape up!!!! I
> know that you can, and what software development is all about SO GET UP AND

Which installer please and downloaded from where? We don't routinely provide
a sid installer image. An install from Testing daily image has just
succeeded for me, for example. Specifics, please.

If you installed LMDE6 first - were you working on a pure Debian system
at this point?

As someone who routinely does Debian point release testing - we do test
aspects of the Debian stable installer and also recently tested the
Debian Trixie Alpha 1 release. The testing methodology and results are
routinely noted in the Debian wiki.

> Now Im at last upp and running sid with compiz and other sw (I love
> especially wobbling windows, but also the cube), spotify, pulseffects, and
> a tweaked MATE desktop although painfully buggy... my plan is ardour and
> music/audio and would very much like to run Debian, my absolutely favourite
> OS....
> So Im satified for now... but Im concerned about what the fuck debian is
> doing when you let newcomers mess around with worlds best Unix/Linux system
> today!!! Shape up for God sake... copy what Trump is doing currently...
> responsibility is not always a bad thing... Elons meritocracy is a good
> thing anywhere it is used....

I should suggest that "newcomers" is possibly not an adequate description
for people with ~30 years worth of experience with Debian in the Debian images
team. The political references are also probably off-topic and accordingly
unwelcome - please refer to the monthly Debian-user FAQ.

> /best regards Johan S

With every good wish, as ever,

Andrew Cater

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