On 15/12/2024 20:27, gene heskett wrote:
On 12/14/24 23:00, Max Nikulin wrote:

that is quite lengthy, 75+ kilobytes, what would I be looking for?


I am interested in some equivalent of


     lsusb -vt

- Option 1. <http://paste.debian.net/>
- Option 2.

      grep usb-list: /var/log/installer/hardware-summary

quite lengthy today, nearly 2 screens full and has 2 serial convertors,

The hypothesis you agreed with (several times) is that the *installer* enables assistive technologies when it sees ftdi or a similar device. So the subject of my interest is state of hardware namely during install, not today. I suspect you forgot to disconnect some cable that time.

ls /dev/tty*

Do you see anything related to ttyUSB or ftdi in /var/log/installer/syslog?

Was screen reader active during install or it revealed itself later?

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