Am Don, 2004-01-15 um 23.26 schrieb Jan Minar:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:48:44PM -0600, Rick Weinbender wrote:
> > Is there a way to disable the ping response
> > on a server. (silent mode)
> Although I heard it's not considered polite...

Well i guess blocking ICMP ping only might be ok.
Not that it adds any security :)
Well, it *might* confuse some 13yo script kiddies heh.

But most people tend to block ICMP completely which breaks
ICMP error messages.

And that is A Bad Thing.

> man iptables

man iptables is a start. However, firewalls/packet filters are tricky to
setup. You may want to search google for HowTos or use smoothwall and
the like.

> > Also, how can I check to see what ports might be listening.
> man netstat
> man nmap

nmap localhost should tell you what's running on your box.
It would still be better to run nmap from an external box (ie scan your
box from the internet)


Matthias Hentges 
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