On Wednesday 11 December 2024 06:00:37 pm Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > and, some software, including
> > some web browsers (and, the vile javascript) seem to disregard that
> > instruction and its importance, which is kind of like running an internal
> > combustion engine without a governor, or, parking a vehicle on a slope,
> > without engaging the handbrake.
> These programs aren't written in C.  Manual memory management is a dying
> art.  Most languages these days use automatic garbage collection, freeing
> unused memory when nothing is using it any longer.
> This makes memory leaks less common, but when they *do* occur, they're
> quite difficult to find.  Usually it means you've accidentally retained
> a reference to the object in question in some part of the program that
> never goes away.

I'd really love it if firefox didn't consume increasing amounts of memory as 
time went on...

Why would it do that?  That's been the case for a long time  over many versions.

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ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
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