Hi Gene,

gene heskett wrote:
> interesting comments here. I've been using SSD's since 40G was the biggest.
> The 256G spinning rust, now 15 years old is the only spinning rust left
> here. And I've drawer full of samsung 860-870 series drives that have all
> gone wonky but not RO yet.. I now have a mixture of stuff from Taiwan in 2T
> and 4T sizes, all healthy. I guess I was not the only one that got
> questionable drives from Samsung. This is the first time I've seen them
> discussed in this context. Thank you for saying something out loud.

To point this out: it was only exactly this model from Samsung: SSD 980 PRO, 
which isn't working properly.
Repeat: only Samsung SSD 980 PRO.

It can be fixed by a Firmware upgrade, and more recently charges of Samsung SSD 
980 PRO are flashed/sold with a good Firmware out-of-the-box.

Best regards,
Klaus Singvogel
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