On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 11:05:24AM -0600, Ramasubramanian Ramesh wrote:
> All,
>  Often one is not sure of the choices and strength of packages/utilities and tend to 
> install
> multiple utilies for the same purpose. For example I have about 3 or 4 cd players 
> and assortment of
> mp3 palyers etc. Sooner or later you see that a lot of left over packages exists in 
> your system that
> you no longer use.
> I am wondering if there is a fool-proof way of cleaning up that eliminates all 
> unused packages.
> Specifically, if I installed package A that brought in packages B C and D due 
> dependencies. Is there
> a way to find out that B C and D are no longer in the dependency list of any 
> packages after removal
> of say A. This will allow me to systematically remove all unwanted packages.
> My naive approach now is
>    1. do a get-selection to see installed packages
>    2. mark the ones that you do not need
>    3. try apt-get -s remove them to see if any thing else gets removed.
>    4. Based on above output prune the list down so that step 3 produces 
>       expected results.
>    5. Go ahead with the actual removal
> Are there any better methods? In particular is there a method to draw/list a 
> directed graph of
> dependencies of pacages in the current debian installation?
> (or for that matter, do the dependencies form a digraph?)
> Thanks for your help
> Ramesh
Hi Ramesh,
'aptitude' can remove  related packages when you remove a package.
there is also 'deborphan' and 'debfoster'. use carefully!
as for the digraph, there is such a beast as someone pointed out!
apt-rdepends is its name.
do this:
apt-get install apt-rdepends dotty
apt-redepends -d mutt > mutt.depends.dot
dotty mutt.depends.dot
apt-rdepends -d -r mutt > uses.mutt.dot
dotty uses.mutt.dot


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