On 11/29/24 3:14 AM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
On Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 09:36:35AM +0100, Matilda Sjöblom wrote:

We've had issues for the last couple of days regarding installing Erling
via apt. I can run apt update with all of our other repos, but when I add
the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/erlang_solutions_repo.list , and the run
sudo apt update, I get this error:

Hit:6 https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/debian focal/contrib amd64
[ *SNIP* ]

I have triple checked ownership of files, tried to run apt-get clean, etc
etc, nothing works. The exact same setup (Ubuntu 20.04) worked on the 11th
of November.

Has something on your side changed since then?

This looks very much like a packaging problem on erlang-solutions.com's side.
So I'd first check with them (reading between the lines, something seems to
try creating a symlink of a nameless file to a nameless place, but that's just
a guess).

As the OP's link explicitly referenced "debian" I used Synaptic's search function. There were no packages with "Erling" in package name, but several in description field.

I then tried to visit https://www.erlang-solutions.com/ .
I received the message:
Bad gateway Error code 502
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2024-11-29 14:03:48 UTC
Cloudfare's non-informative message was:
Cloudflare protects this website
But, something went wrong trying to reach it


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