On Monday, 25-11-2024 at 03:39 Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > a CPU that is less than the performance of an i5.
> Side note: such a description is not very useful because a 10 year old
> i7 can be significantly less powerful than a recent i3.

While ymmv is valid, I favour i7 CPUs (and Ryzen 7) over other CPUs. At times 
i5 CPUs will suffice. I am frustrated that I cannot perceive any performance 
improvements in CPUs since the 4th Gen i7s. This is likely due to the software 
I use does not gain any perceptible improvement from running on a faster CPU?

I guess I have not used a recent i3. I once made the mistake of believing an i3 
was usefully powerful and have been turned off ever since.

My personal experience is there is little effective performance between 12 year 
old CPUs and current CPUs. Which I find sad, I would like to replace our 2nd 
Gen i7 (that runs a VR system) and discover everything runs multiple times 
faster (even twice as fast would be nice). 

I will take your comment on board, hoping I will have the opportunity to test 
out more recent CPUs.


>         Stefan

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