On Wed, Jan 14, 2004 at 11:49:24AM +0000, Dave Howorth wrote:
> Richard Lyons wrote:
> >On Tuesday 13 January 2004 16:29, Jim Higson wrote:
> >>On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 22:54:13 -0800, Nano Nano
> >><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>Stonehenge sucks!
> >>Seriously, don't visit it. You get to walk around a rope 10 meters or
> >>so from the stones, which have mostly fallen doen anyway. I spent
> >>most of my visit playing Sonic2 on a RedHat laptop.
> >>And then there's the people (mostly American) standing around filming
> >>the stones with their camcorder - huh?
> >
> >Really, the main problem is that it is far too distant from London,
> That's true to a point ...

...but it's not that much further from London than Stratford-upon-Avon is.
It's just that (unless you're a pseudodruid) there's maybe 10 minutes worth
of interest in it. A lot of big stones in a rather bleak field miles from
anywhere, and there's practically no public transport. So if you're a
foreign tourist without your own car you either pay a fortune to a happy
taxi driver, or get bored for four hours waiting for a bus back to
civilisation. Better to spend the money on a decent book about the place.

> BTW, the general approach is pretty much what's been done in the Lake 
> District. There's one road that's been improved and leads to the place 
> that tourists are supposed to go 

Ah yes, the "Windermere motorway"... Funny thing is, Windermere town is one
of the most boring places in the Lake District.

> (the average distance a tourist moves 
> from their car is 300 yds or some such number).

Just far enough to get to a public toilet...

> Then there are lots of 
> lanes and paths where nobody but locals and oddball tourists go :)

...and they all end up on top of Scafell Pike.


Be kind to pigeons
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