On Sun, Oct 06, 2024 at 13:34:01 +0200, Roger Price wrote: > I also tried to use sudo to call synaptic and failed: > > rprice@maria ~ sudo /usr/sbin/synaptic > [sudo] password for rprice: > rprice is not in the sudoers file. > > I see in /etc/sudoers > > # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command > %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL > > so as root I ran command "usermod -a -G sudo rprice" and checked that > /etc/group contained "sudo:x:27:rprice". I then tried again to call > synaptic, with the same result: > > rprice@maria ~ sudo /usr/sbin/synaptic > [sudo] password for rprice: > rprice is not in the sudoers file. > > The %sudo line in /etc/sudoers has no effect. Is there some other > incantation needed in /etc/sudoers ?
You need to log out and back in, or at least start a new authentication session as yourself, to pick up the new group memberships. Run the "id" command with no arguments to see your current group memberships. You'll see that "sudo" is not one of them. Now try "su - rprice" to open a new session as yourself, in the same terminal. In this new session, if you run "id" with no arguments, you should see the sudo group listed.