On 2024-10-04 20:19, Will Mengarini wrote:
- Do you see anything in "blkid" when the USB enclosure is attached?
Nothing changes.
- Do you see anything in "journalctl -f" when you plug in the USB enclosure?
No output when I unplug it and replug it.

The HDD may not be able to draw enough power. Plain USB A ports can only deliver 2.5W (500mA at 5V). You mentioned that the enclosure also has a power cable. Is this another USB cable? Is it plugged into a USB port or a power adapter? Many USB power adapters can deliver more current.

Kind regards,

Ash Joubert (they/them) <a...@transient.nz>
Director / Game Developer
Transient Software Limited <https://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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