On 10/03/2024 08:43 AM, David Wright wrote:
On Thu 03 Oct 2024 at 08:31:08 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
On 10/03/2024 08:03 AM, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
On 03/10/2024 14:51, Richard Owlett wrote:
Is there standard/recommended location for an executable to be
used by only a one user?
In my case it should be under /home/richard/ .
But where?
the /etc/skel/.profile add to PATH ~/bin and ~/.local/bin if they exist.
That answers a slightly different question.
For my specific case I wish to avoid the use of PATH.
[adding details will only cause confusion]
Then obviously you should put it anywhere /except/ in one of those two
directories, so that it /won't/ be included in your PATH.
Which is why I said thank you to Michael for the standards.
They are going to prevent problems unrelated to this thread.