Hi, Well it's in VitrualBox legacy BIOS mode. And according to Alexander's suggestions, this may caused by VirtualBox instead of Debain. Thank you for your reply.
Best Regards Richard. ------------------ Origin ------------------ From: "didier gaumet" <didier.gau...@gmail.com>; Time: 2024??9??27??(??????) ????6:08 To: "debian-user"<debian-user@lists.debian.org>; Subject: Re: Is there any way to STD in Debian? Le 26/09/2024 ?? 11:51, YOYO a ??crit : > Hello everyone, > Recently, I need to cut off power supply with all my running tasks saved. > But it seems that the hibernate mode provided in Debian only allows me to > Suspend to Ram(STR, or S3 mode in ACPI). > Is there any way to Suspend to Disk (STD, or S4 Mode in ACPI) in Debian? > Thank you for your replies in advance. > > Best Regards, > Richard Hello, Is Secure Boot enabled? If so that would explain why hibernation does not work: https://wiki.debian.org/Hibernation#UEFI_.2F_Secure_Boot