Well it's in VitrualBox legacy BIOS mode. And according to Alexander's 
suggestions, this may caused by VirtualBox instead of Debain.
Thank you for your reply.

Best Regards


------------------ Origin ------------------
                                             "didier gaumet"                    
Time:&nbsp;2024??9??27??(??????) ????6:08

Subject:&nbsp;Re: Is there any way to STD in Debian?

Le 26/09/2024 ?? 11:51, YOYO a ??crit&nbsp;:
&gt; Hello everyone,
&gt; Recently, I need to cut off power supply with all my running tasks saved.
&gt; But it seems that the hibernate mode provided in Debian only allows me to
&gt; Suspend to Ram(STR, or S3 mode in ACPI).
&gt; Is there any way to Suspend to Disk (STD, or S4 Mode in ACPI) in Debian?
&gt; Thank you for your replies in advance.
&gt; Best Regards,
&gt; Richard


Is Secure Boot enabled? If so that would explain why hibernation does 
not work:

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