Frank McCormick wrote: 
> I am faced with a strange problem. I have no internet access on Trixie on
> one of two partitions on my ssd.
> I was attempting to solve a problem I am having with Vivaldi by installing
> Seahorse.  Apt quit halfway through downloading the necessary files
> complaining it could not resolve a bunch of Debian repositories.
> Ever since that I have no internet access in Trixie. It's not a hardware
> problem as I have full access on the other partition which runs Opensuse
> Tumbleweed. Earlier today I did an update of Trixie and it went fine.
> Can someone help me diagnose the problem ?

We can rule out the ISP, the router, any switches in the way,
any cables and the NIC because another OS works on the same

What's left?

- firmware for the NIC loaded at boot time
- kernel recognition of the NIC
- IP address (via DHCP? static?)
- routing

Testing some of these will rule out others if they succeed. Skip
to the ping check at the end, and if it doesn't work, let's go from the bottom 

ip link show

  If this gets you your NIC, then the firmware is OK and the
  kernel recognizes it. Show us the output, please.

ip address show

  If this gets you the correct (or a correct) IP address, then
DHCP or static address configuration is good. Again, show us the


  If this gets through, then your machine can contact the
outside world. At that point, it's probably a DNS issue, and you
should report the contents of /etc/resolv.conf to us.


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