On Sat, 31 Aug 2024 17:06:55 +0800
jeremy ardley <jeremy.ard...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello jeremy,

>The bigger picture is that personal printing is on the way out because 

The bigger picture may well be the case(1), but irrelevant to the point
I was making:
Four trips to the print shop, and I'm out of pocket.

In fairness, I /could/ avoid some of the printing I do, but that would
require a second monitor and a 2nd GFX card.  However, with nowhere to
put that second monitor......

(1) I don't doubt that it's true.  As you say, for home users.  That
    said, it's not going to disappear entirely.  At least, not in my
 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
But they didn't tell him the first two didn't count
Tin Soldiers - Stiff Little Fingers

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