Thanks everyone, the problem is resolved... I think.

On 2024-08-22 8:38 p.m., Arbol One wrote:

After installing PostgreSQL on my Debian-12 machine, I typed 'postgres --version' and got this msg:
*bash: postgres: command not found*

'psql --version', however, does work and gives me this message :

*psql (PostgreSQL) 16.3 (Debian 16.3-1.pgdg120+1)*

Obviously postgres is not in the path, but I don't know where the 'apt-get' installed it or why it did not add it to the path.

Is there a way I can locate the installation directory?

Thank in advance.

*/* Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird. ArbolOne is composed of students and volunteers dedicated to providing free services to charitable organizations. ArbolOne on Java Development is in progress [ í ]
*/ArbolOne ™/*
Using Fire Fox and Thunderbird.
ArbolOne is composed of students and volunteers dedicated to providing free services to charitable organizations. ArbolOne's development on Java, PostgreSQL, HTML and Jakarta EE is in progress [ í ]

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