I have an issue to report but don't know how to go about it. Here is the issue-

There seems to be some issues with the 'ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2' and some 
operating systems that are based on Debian. I am not sure if this is the 
correct place to let a developer know but I have tried using the 'ThinkPad 
USB-C Dock Gen 2' with both Linux Mint and MXLinux and had the same issues with 
both. As they are both based on Debian I thought the issue should be raised 
here. Issues are-

- Ethernet connection through the dock runs slow and then turns on and off.

- Hdmi connection through the dock gives colour issues on screen, everything is 
darker than normal.

There is more details about the issue on the linux mint forum here-

but there is no real solution.
I believed in time the issue might be solved with kernal updates but the dock 
remains broken for some Linux users.Thanks.

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