Hi, On Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 01:06:38PM -0400, gene heskett wrote: > On 8/2/24 12:09, Andy Smith wrote: > > Gene';s reply to you misses your point so if/when it does happen > > that .den is delegated I'm sure he will miss the point again anyway. > > > Thanks for the no-confidence vote Andy.
You did miss Greg's point, or pretended to, so this was just factual. If and when .den gets delegated there won't be any real issues for you other than that you won't be able to get to whatever coyote.den is for everyone else. You probably won't care about that. The other thing is that some of your DNS queries for things on your domain that don't exist may end up being leaked to whoever operates the real coyote.den but again, you probably wouldn't care. This topic (correct domain to use for local networks) has been hashed out several times on this list before in just the last few years. Searching the archive for "home.arpa" will likely bring them up. Thanks, Andy -- https://bitfolk.com/ -- No-nonsense VPS hosting