On Tue, 13 Jan 2004, arief_mulya wrote:

> Before, please cc the answer to me directly also as I not registered on
> the list.

Argh!  Please, if you are asking for our help, why not check either the
list archives or google groups?

> Other thing I have in mind is, what is Smart Array controller? I got 3
> scsi disk each 72GB, but only got 144GB disk in size. Is it RAID or
> something like that?

The most probably explanation is that you are either missing a disk or
running RAID 5.

~ Jesse Meyer

 icq:    34583382             | Nethack 3.4._3_ is out!  http://www.nethack.org
 jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |  "And how can man die better / Than facing 
 msn:    [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   fearful odds / For the ashes of his fathers /
 yim:    tsunad               |   and the temples of his gods?"  ~ Babington

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