On Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 11:23 PM Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 12:25 AM Mike Castle <dalgoda+deb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > * I keep history under source control (currently git) and regularly
> > (well, for some definition of "regularly"), merge them across machines
> This is an unusual use case (to me). Why do you save history in a
> version control system?

I rarely have raw data that needs backing up, so I don't do it on a
system level.  At work, all important data is in SCM, and various
managed systems.  At home, everything I care about is in SCM
(including history) and that repo is backed up.

Also, it allows merging between the machines.  Back when almost every
machine I used had $HOME on NFS, this was less of an issue.

> Out of curiosity, do you scrub the file regularly for credentials,
> like usernames and passwords, and remove entries?

I never enter credentials via the command line.  This is something I
picked up before Linux even existed.

In addition to history, they are viewable via ps(1).  While many
modern systems may allow programs to scrub their command line, few
programs do it, and a wrapper script that just passes it along likely

But, I have trimmed out the occasional cat-walking-across-the-keyboard
and falling-asleep-faceplant-and-drooling-on-the-keyboard type of


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