I didn’t test it but no MX was found then local MTA should try A record for delivery.
As a proof that safe-mail.net has no mx but A record only.

On 2024-07-15 21:45, Adam Weremczuk wrote:
It doesn't work.

mail.example.com record doesn't exist to start with.

Even if I add: example.com mail.example.com

to /etc/hosts

I get:

0A032940922     657 Mon Jul 15 14:40:01  user1@mymachine
(Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=example.com type=MX: Host not found, try again)

On 15/07/2024 14:17, Jeff Pang wrote:
Given you want to send mail to foo.com whose mx record is mail.foo.com 
whose IP is
Then write this entry in hosts file:  foo.com

Which should work for sending mail.


On 2024-07-15 21:00, Adam Weremczuk wrote:
What I need to configure for my Debian 12 VM:
- no public or LAN DNS whatsoever
- ability to fetch a single MX record for a single domain

I don't think I can add MX to /etc/hosts which only works for A records.
I'm after a similarly simple, "one liner" solution.

Jeff Pang

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