
On Sat, Jun 29, 2024 at 1:12 PM Dan Ritter wrote:
> Lee wrote:
> > My gripes and difficulties are the same thing.  No universal image
> > viewer like Ifranview,
> `apt search image viewer` suggests:  eog, eom, ephoto, photoqt..
> among dozens of others. But start with one of those.

Thanks, I'll check them out.

> > an html editor would be nice -- something along
> > the lines of the seamonkey html editor but current software and
> > supported
> `apt search html editor` offers a bunch of suggestions, but
> really most editors have support for specialized syntax checking
> and previews and such. You might try bluefish.

Bluefish looks like a possible replacement for notepad++  but it
doesn't [seem to?] support WYSIWYG editing of html files.

I'll save recipes that look good and try them later.  But I don't want
all the fluff that goes with most recipes, so I trim them down
delete all the <look at all these other recipes>, all the comments,
all the kitchenware thry're trying to sell me...  All I want is the

> > , something equivalent to notepad++
> Assuming that you don't want the graphical forms of emacs or

Right.  If I was going to climb the emacs learning curve I'd have done
it 20 years ago :)

> vim,

While I like vim and occasionally do use it for html editing, what
usually happens is running the file thru tidy and then edit with vim.
I'd rather have a WYSIWYG html editor that lets me delete tables, rows
or columns at a time.  Or, since everybody wants to move to CSS,
delete all the goop in a specific <div>

> >, something equivalent to
> > winmerge (meld is nice, but isn't really a substitute)
> You will have to be specific about what makes meld "not a
> substitute". Assume whoever you are talking to doesn't know what
> winmerge is.

Meld is beautiful.  Meld looks **good**  But I find it a distraction
and _much_ harder to figure out what the difference is between two
files or merge updates from <this> file to <that> file.
Maybe I've just gotten used to winmerge & <alt><downarrow> to get to
the next difference and <alt><left arrow> to copy the missing text
from the left window to the right window.  I can do most everything
from the keyboard.  Maybe because I haven't used it that much but I
was using the mouse a lot in meld.

> > , a cloneSpy equivalent would be nice
> duff, perforate, rdfind, dupeguru...

Thank you.  More things to check out :)

> > Exact Audio Copy doesn't work on Linux, but supposedly does run under
> > wine so that's a possibility..
> You want to pull stuff off of an optical disk? cdparanoia, or
> one of the things that wraps it like ripit or ripperx.

Yup.  I want to pull music off a CD and make MP3s of it.
2 cars ago I had a CD caddy in the trunk - I could play 6 CD worth of
music without having to change anything.
Now my car has a USB port; that + a 16GB thumb drive is more than 12
hrs worth of drive time enjoyment (as much as droning along at 55MPH
can be called enjoyment)

> > Debian firefox does NOT allow one to do
> > TLS intercept - ie. this does not work:
> > C:\UTIL>cat firefox-tlsdecode.bat
> > set SSLKEYLOGFILE=C:\Users\Lee\AppData\Local\Temp\FF-SSLkeys.txt
> > start C:\"Program Files\Firefox\Firefox.exe"
> >
> > @rem wireshark:
> > @rem   edit / preferences
> > @rem   protocols / tls  (v2.6: protocols / ssl)
> > @rem     paste SSLKEYLOGFILE filename into (Pre)-Master-Secret log
> > filename (was SSL debug file entry)
> I have no idea what you are trying to do there, but I'm sure a
> DOS batch file won't run here, especially since it appears to
> mostly be comments.
> Describe what you want to do, not how you want it to happen.

I want to be able to use wireshark to look at encrypted web traffic.  eg


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