On 06/22/2024 08:55 AM, Andy Smith wrote:

On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 06:43:04AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
   1. What is latest i386 live image available in some archive?
   2. I have a working machine that will take a current full install
      of an i386 system. Can an average user create his own i386 live
      install image?

Before you spend too much time on this, do be aware that Debian is
dropping i686 as an install architecture. There won't be installers
for i686 in future releases of Debian. You will only be able to run
i686 packages as a foreign arch on a machine booted with an amd64
kernel (or via virtualisation methods).

Building your own live images for amd64 and other supported
architectures is still pretty easy though.


When I was an E.E. undergrad CPUs had 12AX7s and I/O devices included 026 and KSR35. Analog hardware was more interesting than new-fangled digital stuff [have one of my father's CK722's around somewhere].

I ask about i386 Debian Live because I have a fine operational Sony laptop that currently runs Debian 9.0 and has a $20 price tag on its bottom.

This machine has option to boot Debian 11 with an AMD64 kernel.
I routinely run Debian 9.13 because its configuration is comfortable (i.e. useful).

I have 2 other laptops which will have something >= Debian 12 before I abandon this machine.

Will I outlive Debian 11/12?
[My parents married day before Pearl Harbor ;]

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