On 6/18/24 04:10, jeremy ardley wrote:

On 18/6/24 09:00, Stefan Monnier wrote:
Is there a chance to change in next versions i.e. Debain 13 or other
versions an assembly specifically for a USB flash drive as primary
download?  Do you think the time has come? When do you think this moment
will happen?
AFAIK, all the so-called CD/DVD images work just fine when "burned" on
a USB flash drive.  So I think the question is whether it's time to
change the doc to stop suggesting that those images should be burned
onto optical media.


The ISO images will be around for a long time. They are the primary mechanism of creating virtual machines by attaching virtual drives to a .iso file and booting.

And some of the BIOSes of old PCs are not able to boot from USB...


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