Folks, I'm trying to resolve a long standing issue with my virtual consoles. They're just a bit messed up.
The most pressing issue is that when I boot, after Grub, I get some miminal output on the screen and then the screen turns off. If I blindly enter my userid and password and then type startx, the monitor turns back on and X works in beautiful 4k glory. I do get a bit of output to say that a couple of services failed to start, so it seems that the monitor goes into power off just before the login prompt should be displayed. I had a fiddle with a setting in Grub which I think was probably the wrong place and also /etc/default/console-setup, which sounds like a sensible place to fiddle, although it didn't make any difference. I'd be grateful if anyone could give me any pointers to get the terminals looking vaguely sensible, please? I think the first isse it working out how to stop the screen turning off, which I assume is because the display is out of range for the monitor. I can't seen to figure out how to change that. It would perhaps be nice too to tidy up the systemd output but probably best to get the display on first to aid debugging that. If anyone could offer any pointers, I would be really grateful. Kind regards, Mike.
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