
Apologies I do not have an answer for you.

It would seem you love Snaps about as much as I do. I watch videos on
YouTube of people complaining about APT, or Synaptic, but I disagree
with them, I really like those programs and the Debian packaging
system. They are very reliable, just like Debian.

I too have a Skype account, but my friends have moved to other
platforms, so I only log in once or twice a year to see if anyone
messaged me. I do this via a Windows Virtual Machine using KVM. I only
use this solution for chat, not conferencing. And now with Windows 10
coming to and end, I guess my use of Skype will end too. My hardware
will not run Windows 11.

I am guessing you have tried 'Skype for Web' ?  How did you find it?
If it does not suite your purposes, I would like to know why, as
'Skype for Web' might be a solution for myself if it works enough.

Skype for Web (Preview) - your most asked questions

I want to try the Skype for Web (Preview) experience. How do I do
Please go to https://preview.web.skype.com and sign into Skype. 



On Friday, 31-05-2024 at 08:58 Juan R.D. Silva wrote:

Hi folks,

I use Skype installed from Debian official repo.  A couple of days
it refused to update reporting "server timed out". After looking into 
it, I found that MS removed Skype.deb package from their server and 
basically forces everyone to use Snap package instead.

Skype is the only app I would need Snap for on my system.
I still need Skype and I do not see any alternative but to concede to
(and Ubuntu?) brute coercion.

Any body installed Snap on their Debian system? Any problems with that

thing? Any suggestions to use Skype otherwise?


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