On Thu, May 16, 2024 at 09:28:05AM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:


> So, yes, I encourage you to send more of those, and if your recipients
> don't like the result, try and get them to complain to their
> MUA's authors (most of those MUAs are of course proprietary and are not
> very ... responsive, but that's all we can do).

Actually I've been tempted to teach my mail reader to transform HTML
into some lightweight markup (yeah, you need a bit of heuristics for
that ;-) -- say Org, but why not its poor sister Markdown.
> The stupidest case I bumped into is Github where replying by `plain/text`
> email lets you add comments to an issue, but `text/markdown` replies are
> simply sent to `/dev/null` even though Markdown is the standard format
> they use in the web interface.

What'd you expect from Microsoft? -- Excelllllence!1!!


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