
Nicholas Geovanis wrote:
> But what if next time the back-doored software _does_ build without error?

The initial build problems did not cause suspicion.
It was the CPU load of sshd and an obscure complaint by valgrind which
caused the discovery.
quotes the discoverer Andres Freund:
  "I was doing some micro-benchmarking at the time, needed to quiesce
   the system to reduce noise. Saw sshd processes were using a surprising
   amount of CPU, despite immediately failing because of wrong usernames
   etc. Profiled sshd, showing lots of cpu time in liblzma, with perf
   unable to attribute it to a symbol. Got suspicious. Recalled that I had
   seen an odd valgrind complaint in automated testing of postgres, a few
   weeks earlier, after package updates.
   Really required a lot of coincidences."

gene heskett wrote:
> In light of that its worth noting that an M$ employee was the first to
> spot it.

Thus we should also praise the peace between Microsoft and free software
which broke out a few years ago.

There remains the question, whom a good citizen should contact when
spotting something that could be a backdoor (or a subtenant ?) of
Debian's content or infrastructure.

It seems unwise for a non-expert to do this in public, unless one wants
to accuse the innocent or to warn the hoodlums.

Have a nice day :)


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