On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 09:54:05AM -0500, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  a) using a chromium-derived browser, which can be used to dump the
> HAR file log of the network back and forth, go, e. g.:
>   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anaxagoras
>  b) click on the link that says: "Works by or about Anaxagoras" (at
> Internet Archive)
>  c) on the archive.org page, select "texts" and "always available"
> (meaning text which is public domain, he died 25 centuries ago)
>  d) then to produce the HAR file, go:
>  d.1) More Tools > Developer Tools;
>  d.2) click on "Network" tab;
>  d.3) Filter: GET
>  d.4) check: "Preserve Log"
>  d.5) scroll down the page all the way to make the client-server back
> and forth cascade
>  d.6) save the network log as HAR file to then open and eyeball it!

This is incomprehensible to me.  What the hell is d.5 supposed to be?
Even if I close the Shift-Ctrl-I window, and Ctrl-R to reload the page,
and then reopen Shift-Ctrl-I, and click the down-arrow-in-a-dish icon
whose tooltip says "Export HAR..." all I get in the resulting file
is this:

hobbit:~$ cat Downloads/archive.org.har 
  "log": {
    "version": "1.2",
    "creator": {
      "name": "WebInspector",
      "version": "537.36"
    "pages": [],
    "entries": []

Do you have one of these HAR files in a *DIRECTLY DOWNLOADABLE URL*?
Something that doesn't take 12 manual steps that are impossible to

Or can you *attach* one to a message to this mailing list?  Make sure
it's small.

>  1) That HAR file is not properly formatted. Instead of
> "attribute":value pairs in the standard way, they have used front
> slash + quote pairs (instead of just quotes) erratically all around
> the file. That is why you can't use jq.

That is not what I see in the file which I pasted here.

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