Mike Castle wrote:

>> It is "fixing" an issue for today's English speakers.
>> Should we scour our systems looking for similar issues in
>> other languages? Then in, say, 20 years time when different
>> words will then be considered offensive, by some, do this
>> all again?
> Yes.

Remember, there are A LOT of words and expressions we don't
use anymore, and that's good, as they are offensive and
disrespectful. But once they were perfectly normal. Still, one
by one, they have disappeared from active use.

What's to say we are right now, just because _we_ happen to
live right now, suddenly done with that process?

If it had to be done in the past, why not right now - and in
the future as well?

Now how to actually do it is another thing.

Maybe one should just focus on a few words and expressions
that are clearly offensive, and remove them from schools,
universities, public service TV, all official
state-related communication, etc.

With no intention of ever creating a 100% offensive-free
language, removing the worst offenders from the scene often
is enough.

underground experts united

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