On Wed, 2024-03-13 at 03:50 +0800, jeremy ardley wrote:
> On 12/3/24 21:21, hw wrote:
> > 
> > Even if they did that, it would be totally useless because it won't be
> > able to automatically print labels from databases.
> The manufacturer applicationsĀ  usually allow you to print a list from a 
> spreadsheet or text file.

That isn't very useful.

> > > It is possible to use document generation tools like latex and printing
> > > systems like CUPS to print a label, but pixel registration will be poor.
> > Why?  The manufacturer provided a CPUS printer driver without which
> > printing wouldn't be possible at all.
> Most custom barcodes programs run on windows and don't use CUPS.

That makes them entirely useless.

> Manufacturers can provide CUPS drivers as well, but the barcode 
> application is usually only windows.
> In my case I had to write my own CUPS driver as the manufacturer does 
> not provide one.

How did you do that?

> Getting back to pixel registration, the latex CUPS route is very 
> unlikely to work well.

It's working great here since years.  Barcodes are no problem, only qr
codes can't be scanned.

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