HI Brad,

I do not believe, it is a training problem. Why? Well, your formerly mail was 
marked as spam. So I marked it as ham. Now, your second mail again is marked 
as spam. 

We know, there is nothing unusual with your mail, but it is again marked as 
spam. Even, when I explicity marked your mails as ham! 

Thus the problem is not on my computer. 

I believe, what Thomas said: Megamail or my mailprovider is setting the X-
Spam-Flag to YES, and my spamassassin is recognizing this and marks this as 

The solution would be, either to make megamails or my provider make things 
correctly (but I have no atom bombs to force them) , or delete my rule, to 
check the X-Spam-Flag (which I actually do not want). 

Important is: The cause is not at debian server (which is fine!) and not on my 
system (which is also fine), but on the provider server. 

To know this, I think we can safely close this issue.

We have learnt some things (which is always important) and could find the 

Thank you all for your help and input!!

Best regards


Am Mittwoch, 6. März 2024, 14:24:19 CET schrieb Brad Rogers:
> On Wed, 06 Mar 2024 13:53:49 +0100
> Hans <hans.ullr...@loop.de> wrote:
> Hello Hans,
> >It should be well trained
> Spam training is an ongoing process....
> >But until then suddenly the false positives increased from one day to
> >another, although I had changed nothing.
> ....because the spam changes.  What's coming now is new, and SA has not
> seen it before.  You have to train it.  Equally, what you consider ham
> can change - for example, when you subscribe to a new mailing list that
> caters to a subject not encountered by you before because of, say, taking
> up a new hobby.
> I've been using my spam filtering set up for years too, and I still get
> the occasional false positive.  I mark them as ham to (hopefully)
> improve spam filtering here.

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