On 2/16/24 21:13, Andy Smith wrote:

On Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 02:02:59PM -0600, David Wright wrote:
On Fri 16 Feb 2024 at 14:48:12 (+0000), Andy Smith wrote:
No, because it's a filesystem label for the ext4 fs created on
/dev/sdz1. If sdz1 is turned into an LVM Physical Volume, there
won't be an ext4 filesystem on it any more. If sdz1 is turned into a
member of an MD array, there won't be an ext4 filesystem on it any
more. The labels go with the filesystem.

It isn't a filesystem LABEL.

Oh dear, I am lost. I don't use gparted but at least one person in
this thread has said that Gene created a filesystem label not a
partition name, and Gene doesn't know which he created, so I've gone
from guessing partition name to fs label and now back to partition
name again.

I'm totally willing to believe that you know what you've created
there though, so fair enough.

You've not yet been clear about what you want, but from what little
information you have provided you've been told multiple times by
multiple people that filesystem labels won't help.

… which would be moot if only Gene could create partition PARTLABELs

Sure, but we still don't know what Gene is trying to do or why
partition names would be useful to him so I am kind of sceptical
that this leads anywhere.

That part if the ^%$ drives ever get here, I just looked at the front deck and it has 2" of fresh white stuff on it.

To describe what I am building, this is a 5 slot bare drive cage. You could throw tom cats thru it from most angles so I printed pretty sides for it.

I've printed drawers to fill those slots. The top slot has a bpi-m5 in it, the bottom slot has a 5 volt 10 amp psu in it. slot 2 will have 2 of those nearly 4T SSD's in a 2 drive adapter, with full disk partitions on them, so obviously I should name the top one as "si-pwr-s2t". the bottom one then s/b si-pwr-s2b
slot-3 then s/b si-pwr-s3t and si-pwr-s3b.
slot-4 then is giga-s4t1 and giga-s4t2. ditto for the bottom one. named giga-s4b1 and giga-s4b2. 1 partition to hold amanda's database and one to serve as amanda's holding disk.

Whats so meaningless to you that you can't see the utility in that? That has not been explained, so please educate me as to why you think its worthless?

Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis

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