Dear Michael,

many thanks for the detailed answer, I will keep all of this for
reference as I learn about libvirt!

Am I right that it is not possible to backup/restore VMs
using virt-manager GUI (on Debian12)? ChatGPT suggested this
is possible, but confused this with Hyper-V I think ;-)

So my best bet for backup/restore of data+config of a VM is to script
libvirt or use an existing bash script [1]? (Can you recommend one?)
Or is there a ProxMox vzdump equivalent for Debian?


Further answers inline.

Michael Kjörling <> writes:
> On 13 Feb 2024 18:10 +0100, from (Felix Natter):
>> regarding virt-manager (qemu/kvm):
>> Can I safely choose the "NAT" network type for a new VM 
>> in virt-manager (Debian12):
> Yes. Doing so should create a new network interface named virbr[0-9]
> and assign an IPv4 address range to it which will be used for VM
> purposes.
>> Can I safely say yes to
>> "Do you want to bring it up?"? (is it undoable?)
> Yes, it is undoable. You can either use virt-manager -> connection
> details -> virtual networks (select the network and then click the
> stop button below the list) or you can use
> $ sudo virsh net-list --all
> $ sudo virsh net-destroy network-name
> Despite the scary action name, virsh net-destroy only stops the
> network; it doesn't actually deconfigure it. (For that, you use virsh
> net-undefine. There is also virsh net-autostart.) See the virsh(1) man
> page.
> If you want to be extra certain, you can dump your firewall rules just
> before you bring up the KVM network so that you can restore them
> without a reboot.
>> If I choose NAT, can multiple VMs connect to each other
>> and with the host?
> I know that VMs can talk to the host through a KVM NAT interface. I
> haven't tested whether they can talk to each other, but I would expect
> so.

In my previous installation I used WLAN as well, so my understanding is
that I could not have used type=bridge, and I did communicate between vms
(mounting nfs shares), so I think this _should_ work.

> If you are using nftables on the host, you might find my blog post at
> helpful if VMs can't talk to the network. I have received some
> feedback that there are easier solutions, but try as I did at the time
> I couldn't find them, and what I wrote up there Works For Me (tm).

I did not change anything in the firewall.

>> (I would like to avoid making many changes that I don't understand
>> to a productive server)
> Very understandable, and prudent.


> You may want to consider subscribing to
> subscription is

Good suggestion! I will do this.

Many Thanks and Best Regards,
Felix Natter

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